Kods: 221

Latviešu Fonds Fonds

Short name:


Foundation date:


Organisation picture:

Articles of association:


(Amended in 1992)


1. The name of the corporation shall be LATVIAN FOUNDATION which can also be used in its abbreviated form as LF.

2. The seal of the corporation shall be as impressed hereon: (omitted on-line)


1. This corporation is formed exclusively for literary and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

2. The purposes of this corporation are set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and include, but are not limited to, publication of books, plays, articles, magazines, poetic works, and the like, of literary and/or historic value in the Latvian language to encourage the study of Latvian culture, to promote and popularize Latvian music and Latvian composers, to present Latvian plays, to promote exhibitions for Latvian artists, to sponsor radio and television broadcasts on the foregoing, and to preserve Latvian ethnic traditions.


1. Membership in the Latvian Foundation shall consist of individuals 18 years of age or older, families, the head of which is 18 years of age or older, and organizations and/or associations. Minors under the age of eighteen may be members of the Latvian Foundation. The parents or guardian of the minor shall exercise the minor's voting rights. Each member shall be approved by the Board of Trustees.

2. A member in good standing shall be an individual, a family, organization and/or association, as set forth in section 1 of this article, who has paid an initiation fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), is current in his or her membership dues, and who has pledged or made a non-interest-bearing loan or made a donation of at least one-thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to the corporation; or has paid a special annual assessment as determined prospectively by the membership at the annual meeting; or a person who is a full time student at any accredited college or university, who has paid an initiation fee of ten dollars, is current in his or her annual dues and who has made or pledged a non-interest bearing loan or made a donation of at least one-thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to the corporation.

3. Each member in good standing shall have one vote.


1. Six trustees shall control and manage the affairs, funds, property, and expenditures of the corporation, shall carry out its corporate purposes, and shall execute its by-laws.

2. At each annual membership meeting two trustees shall be elected by the members for a term of three years to succeed the trustees whose term then expires, provided that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the election of a trustee to succeed oneself [him] for one additional term.

3. No trustee shall serve a term greater than six consecutive years.

4. A trustee may be removed with or without cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present (including proxies) at the annual [regular] meeting or a special meeting provided that the removal is included in previously announced agenda [called expressly for that purpose].

5. Vacancies in the board of trustees shall be filled by the remainder of the board of trustees, and each person so elected shall be a trustee until [his] the successor is elected by the voting members at the next annual meeting.

6. A majority of the board of trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

7. The board of trustees shall annually elect from its members the officers of the corporation which shall be a president, an executive vice-president, two vice-presidents, one of whom shall be membership officer and the other shall be overseer of investments, a secretary, and a treasurer.

8. The board of trustees may appoint such other officers and/or agents as they deem necessary from time to time for the transaction of the business of the corporation.

9. The board of trustees may remove any officer or agent whenever in their judgment the corporate interests will be served thereby.

10. The president shall be the chairperson [man] of the board of trustees. In the event of a tie vote among the board of trustees, the president's vote shall be the deciding vote.

11. If and when the trustees shall severally or collectively consent in writing (including electronic means acceptable to the board) to any action to be taken by the corporation, such action shall be a valid corporate action as though it had been authorized at a meeting of the board of trustees.


1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the corporation; shall appoint with the approval of the board of trustees all the necessary committees; shall be ex-officio member of all committees; and shall perform duties as are incidental to the office of the president.

2. The executive vice-president shall, in the absence of the president, exercise all of the functions of the president and shall be vested with all the presidents’ [his] powers.

3. The vice president in charge of membership shall be responsible for the maintenance of a currently accurate membership roll and for development and execution of programs for the enlargement of the corporation’s membership.

4. The vice president in charge of investment oversight shall ensure that the person (organization) engaged to manage investments is making investment decisions that are in concert with the established goals of the board of trustees. At the annual meeting the vice president shall report on the performance of investments during the past year and present to the membership for approval recommendations for investment goals for the coming year.

5. The secretary shall have charge of the corporate seal, all papers, keep all records, make such reports and perform such duties as are incidental to that office and properly required by the president [of him].

6. The treasurer shall have charge of all corporate funds and shall conduct its banking business. Checks drawn of three-hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) or more shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by another officer. Checks that are less than three-hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) shall be signed by the treasurer alone.


1. The annual membership meeting shall be held at such time and place as the board of trustees shall designate.

2. [Any number] Ten percent (10%) of all members in good standing weather present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the annual meeting.

3. A special membership meeting shall be called by the president whenever the president [he] shall deem the same necessary or whenever the president [he] shall be called upon to do so by at least one half of the members of the board of trustees, the three auditors, or in writing (including electronic means acceptable to the membership) by at least ten (10) percent of the voting members specifying the agenda item(s) to be covered. All notices of a special meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting and a proposed agenda, and the special meeting shall be held within eight (8) weeks of a proper request for such a meeting.

4. At all membership meetings, each member in good standing shall have one vote.

5. At all membership meetings a member in good standing may vote by proxy.

6. [A simple majority]Twenty five percent (25%) of all members in good standing whether present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at a special meeting.

7. Special or regular meetings of the board of trustees shall be called by the chairman of the board whenever the chairperson [man] deems them necessary or whenever the chairperson [man] is called upon to do so by one half of the trustees.

8. Notice of all membership meetings shall be sent to the members at least four weeks before the date of the meeting.


1. Upon the approval by the board of trustees, the corporation may, whenever its general interests so require, invest money, borrow money and issue its promissory note or bond for the repayment thereof with or without interest, and may, in like case, mortgage its property as security for its debts or other lawful engagements.


1. At each annual meeting the members shall elect three auditors who are not trustees and/or officers. It shall be the duty of the auditors to audit the books of the corporation at least once every year and report the results of that audit to the board of trustees and to the membership at the annual meeting. The auditors may utilize [avail himself of] the services of a certified public accountant for the preparation of the annual report to the membership.

2. The auditors shall immediately conduct an audit of the corporation's books at the written request of ten (10) percent of the voting membership or by at least three trustees, and shall report the [his] findings to the membership forthwith.


1. The operating capital of the corporation comprises initiation fees, membership dues, contributions, bequests, legacies, devises and income from investments and assessments.

2. Moneys received as non-interest-bearing loans to the corporation shall not be used to defray the operating costs of the corporation.

3. Repayment of the aforesaid non-interest-bearing loans shall be governed by the terms of the promissory note extended by the corporation at the time of the loan or by the terms of the Subscription Pledge or by the terms of the Student Subscription Pledge.

4. Moneys contributed for a designated purpose shall be so utilized.


1. The corporation shall be dissolved upon the vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing present at the annual meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose.

2. In the event of dissolution, all assets real and personal, shall be distributed to such organizations as are qualified as tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding provision of a future United States Internal Revenue Law.


1. Upon the recommendation of the board of trustees or ten percent (10%) of the members in good standing, these by-laws may be amended or revised by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing present at the annual or any special meeting, provided that the notice of any such annual or special meeting contains a summary of the proposed amendmen.

Articles of association link:


Home page:




Member count (Year - Count):

2010 -1160



Board members:

Bērziņš Valdis

Kārkle Tija

Dzelzgalvis Ints

Mazsīle-Lagzdiņa Aija

Bērztīss Alfs

Bērziņa Kristīne

Plostnieks Jānis

Krūmkalna Ligita

Simane-Laimiņa Kristīna


Pārvalde un darbība - par piešķīrumiem balso dalībnieki

Latviešu Fonds saviem piešķīrumiem lieto tikai ieguldītā kapitāla peļņu un vērtības pieaugumu. Pats kapitāls, kas sastāv no dalībnieku ziedojumiem un aizdevumiem, paliek neskarts.

Latviešu Fondu pārvalda dalībnieku ievēlēta padome.

Katru gadu padome iesaka piešķīrumiem izmantojamo līdzekļu lielumu. To izsludina presē ar uzaicinājumu pieteikt projektus, kam vajadzīgs finansiāls pabalsts piešķīruma vai aizdevuma veidā.

Padome izvērtē pieprasījumus un izsūta dalībniekiem tos, kas atbilst prasībām. Dalībnieki rakstveidā balso par to, kuŗi projekti saņems piešķīrumu. Katram dalībniekam – personai, ģimenei vai organizācijai – ir viena balss.

Latviešu Fonda līdzekļu ieguldījumus, pēc padomes norādījumiem, veic īpaša lietpratēju komisija. Ieguldījumu pārskatus periodiski izsūta dalībniekiem.

Latviešu Fonda dalībnieki:

Kopējais dalībnieku skaits: 1,160

“Tūkstošnieku” skaits: 650

Kapitāla vērtība

2010. gada 31. oktobrī $751,000




LĪdz kamēr būs aktīvi Latvieši Ziemeļamerikā un vajadzības projektiem turpināsies šī organizācija pastāves.

Social gathering, party:

sk. http://www.latviesufonds.info/jaunumi